Management Approach

Management Approach

Basic Policy

Kaneka Group works to build relationships of trust with its business partners (suppliers) with the aim of mutual increase in corporate value. Under our Basic Procurement Policy, we pursue efficient procurement activities that also take account of fairness and equity in terms of ensuring safety and quality, protecting the global environment in areas such as climate change and biodiversity, showing respect for human rights, and ensuring legal compliance.
In 2015, we signed the United Nations Global Compact to show our agreement with its principles for voluntary action in the four areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption. In 2018, with the aim of further evolving our ESG management, we additionally set out an ESG Charter as an action agenda for each individual employee to help realize our corporate philosophy. On this basis, we pursue procurement activities for a sustainable society.


Basic Procurement Policy

  • We will engage in procurement activities that enhance the corporate value of both Kaneka and our business partners.
  • We will endeavor to reduce environmental damage by engaging in green procurement.
  • We will provide opportunities for business partners to make fair and rational transactions in consideration of quality, price, supply stability, technical development capabilities, environmental protection, and safety.
  • We will abide strictly by the relevant Japanese and foreign laws and regulations.
Management Approach