CSR Procurement
CSR Procurement
Responsible Procurement Initiatives
In all procurement activities within the framework of our business operations, we undertake responsible procurement and management of raw materials and other resources. Our Basic Procurement Policy requires the general manager of each business division to put in place and take charge of an appropriate system to manage procurement, including that of mineral raw materials, with the cooperation of business partners.
Additionally, as part of sustainable raw material procurement that takes due account of the environment and human rights, we have acquired RSPO supply chain certification.
Green Procurement Based on Basic Procurement Policy
Based on the Basic Procurement Policy, Kaneka Group declared its commitment to pursue green procurement, aiming to reduce the burden on the environment. Based on this commitment, we have established the Green Procurement Standards.
In fiscal 2022, we revised our list of target substances to reflect the addition of regulated substances to REACH regulations in the EU. We also revised the Green Procurement Standards two times. Recognizing that green procurement initiatives are one of the most important elements of our environmental protection activities, we will continue to work actively with our business partners going forward.
Procurement Initiatives
Our procurement departments work to ensure readiness to ramp up business scale, including launching new plants. This includes continuing to explore potential new business partners. With the procurement environment in continual flux, it is vital to have strong relationships based on the co-creation of value both for us and our suppliers. With this in mind, we keep a steady flow of communication with each business partner as we work to strengthen our partnerships. In our CSR procurement efforts, we are sharing issues and making improvements based on the results of the questionnaire, survey, and interviews that we conducted of our business partners in 2019.
Initiatives for Logistics Safety
In fiscal 2022, after putting in place annual plans for the environment, safety, and health, we worked with transportation companies to hold drills for vehicle oil leaks and provide forklift safety education among other activities aimed at raising safety awareness and preventing logistics accidents.
We are also transforming our logistics system to ensure that we can respond flexibly in the face of challenges such as the looming labor shortage and the so-called “2024 problem” in logistics (*1). Examples of this transformation include combining deliveries, promoting modal shifts, systematizing our logistics to reduce waiting time for drivers, improving dispatch efficiency, and using automation to reduce time spent handling cargo.
Through changes like these, we are continuously working to address environmental issues and improve essential safety.
*1 The “2024 problem” in logistics: The various challenges arising from laws related to work style reform taking effect from April 2024, which introduce a cap on drivers’ working hours.

Training on vehicle oil leak

Forklift safety education
Declaration of Partnership Building
Based on the belief that it is important to actively work on strengthening the supply chain, Kaneka endorses the aims of the Council on Promoting Partnership Building for Cultivating the Future advanced by the Cabinet Office and other related ministries and agencies. We announced our Declaration of Partnership Building in October 2022. The aim is to build new partnerships by promoting cooperation, coexistence, and coprosperity with business partners in the supply chain and other business operators seeking to create value.
Kaneka Group continues to engage in procurement activities based on the Green Procurement Standards.