Kaneka releases Foods with Function Claims “Watashi no Chikara (My Energy)™ - Q10 Yogurt Attention Care Drink Type”

May 7, 2024
Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Kazuhiko Fujii) will launch "Watashi no Chikara (My Energy)™ - Q10 Yogurt Attention Care Drink Type" on May 14. This is a new addition to the well-received "Watashi no Chikara (My Energy)™ - Q10 Yogurt" series. The new product will be sold through its affiliate company Kaneka Foods Corporation (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Futoshi Fukuzaki), and will be available at FamilyMart*1 and the Kaneka online shop*2 at first.

This product is a food with function claims*3 containing 100 mg of the active form of coenzyme Q10. With the huge increase in the amount of data circulating due to the spread of the internet and smartphones*4 in recent years, there has been focus on “information overload syndrome” caused by excessive information gathering, and awareness of the problems of concentrating and information processing has been heightening. "Watashi no Chikara (My Energy)™ - Q10 Yogurt Attention Care Drink Type", a food with function claims focusing on ability to “concentrate” and “process information" will respond to this growing need.

Based on our mission of “Kaneka thinks Wellness First”, Kaneka provides products focused on delicious flavor and health. We will further expand its unique lineup of products including foods with function claims that combine our Lactic-acid bacteria and nutritional supplements to allow customers to choose according to their needs and contribute to people’s health and rich dietary lives.

【Product Features】
・The Commissioner of the Consumer Affairs Agency has accepted notification of this product as having the functions to maintain concentration and process information.
・A food with function claims that contains 100mg of Kaneka’s own active form of coenzyme Q10.
・A drink type yogurt that contains zero fat.

■About “Watashi no Chikara (My Energy) ™ - Q10 Yogurt Attention Care Drink Type”
Retailer clients: FamilyMart stores and Kaneka online shop
Volume: 100g
Suggested Retail Price: 144yen(155yen incl.tax)*5

*1. Excludes Okinawa Prefecture. May not be available in all stores.
*2. Kaneka online shop: https://www.kaneka.co.jp/onlineshop
*3. Consumer Affairs Agency – Information on Foods with Function Claims
     https://www.fld.caa.go.jp/caaks/cssc02/?recordSeq=42310190500200 (Japanese only)
*4. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Overview of the Status Report on Information and Communications 2023
     https://www.soumu.go.jp/johotsusintokei/whitepaper/ja/r05/html/nd121100.html (Japanese only)
*5. The price includes consumption tax of 8% as a product eligible for reduced tax.

【Submitted Claim】
This product contains the active form of coenzyme Q10. The active form of coenzyme Q10 has been reported to maintain concentration (the ability to sustain attention while performing tasks) and information processing capacity (the ability to process information appropriately), which are part of cognitive function in healthy middle-aged and older adults.

・Maintain a balanced diet including a staple food, a main dish and side dishes.
・This product is categorized as “Foods with Function Claims”. Unlike “Foods for Specified Health Uses”, this product is not individually pre-approved by the Secretary General of the Consumer Affairs Agency.
・This product is not intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, or prevention of disease.

For product inquiries Kaneka Foods Corporation
0120-97-1207 (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding weekends and holidays)

<General description of Kaneka Foods Corporation>
Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Business description: Purchase and sales of food for bakery, confectionery, and processed foods, Machine sales
President: Futoshi Fukuzaki