Kaneka Organizes Kashima Antlers Official Partner Title Match

Kaneka Held Events such as Resource Recycling with Biodegradable Polymer Green Planet™ .

July 19, 2024
Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Kazuhiko Fujii) will hold the “KANEKA Go with Antlers Kaneka Special Match” on Saturday, July 20, 2024 at the Kashima Antlers' home game “Kashima Antlers vs. FC Tokyo in the 24th match of the Meiji Yasuda J1 League season”.
Since signing an official partnership agreement in October 2021, Kaneka has presented a joint vision, "Kaneka and Kashima Antlers, working together to create a sustainable future." Led by this vision, together we are carrying out various initiatives from the perspectives of the environment, health, and community symbiosis.

At this year's title game, paper cups*1 made from KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer Green PlanetTM (hereinafter “Green Planet”)*2 will be used for the first time at some food stands outside the stadium on the day of the game. In addition, a participatory event will be held in which Green Planet products (paper cups, straws, spoons, forks, and shopping bags) used at the stadium will be thrown into a composter as a way to experience a sustainable, recycling-oriented society. The compost processed by the composter will be returned to the stadium's plants and flower beds at a later date. Through various partners, we will continue to spread the word about our resource recycling system and environmental initiatives, starting with Green Planet.
In addition, the stadium will be enlivened through a variety of events, including the giving away of original cards created to commemorate the title game, sampling of the Watashi no ChikaraTM*3 series at a special booth set up outside the stadium, and displays of Green Planet and Kaneka OLED lighting.

Based on our mission of “Kaneka thinks 'Wellness First'.”, Kaneka provides value globally as a solutions provider. Kaneka will continue to strengthen its collaboration with the Antlers and bring about a sustainable society.

                                                    KANEKA Go with Antlers Kaneka Special Match
                                  Resource recycling of Green Planet products at Kashima Soccer Stadium

*1. Green Planet is a 100% plant-derived biodegradable polymer developed Kaneka. It has excellent biodegradability in a wide range of environments and is easily decomposed in soil and seawater to return to CO2 and water, thus contributing to solving environmental pollution problems caused by plastics.

*2. Generally, non-biodegradable plastic made from petroleum-derived materials is laminated on the inside of paper cups to provide a barrier between the paper and the liquid to prevent seepage or leakage of beverages. By replacing this plastic with Green Planet, a biomass-derived biodegradable plastic, the entire paper cup can be biodegraded in composting facilities, soil, or seawater. We would like to thank Toyo Aluminium Ekco Products Co., Ltd. and Nihon Matai Co., Ltd. for their cooperation in producing these paper cups.

*3. Watashi no Chikara (My Energy)TM is a brand that provides customers with products that are beneficial to their health and various other aspects of their lives. Watashi no Chikara (My Energy) TM Q10 Yogurt, Watashi no Chikara (My Energy) TM Q10 Yogurt Drink Type, Watashi no Chikara (My Energy) TM Q10 Yogurt Attention Care Drink Type, Watashi no Chikara (My Energy) TM Kaneka Q10 TM Fruit Gummies, and supplements are available.