World's First Introduction of Food Film Packaging Material made from KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer Green Planet™
- Onigiri rice ball wrappers used in JAL Diamond Premier Lounge at Haneda Airport-
March 24, 2023
JALUX Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Satoru Takahama ; hereinafter “JALUX”) and Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Minoru Tanaka) has announced today that JAL Group has adopted KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer Green Planet™ (hereinafter "Green Planet") as the packaging material for onigiri (rice ball) served at the JAL Diamond Premier Lounge at Haneda Airport. This is the world's first*1 application of Green Planet film for individual food wrapping.March 24, 2023

Onigiri (Serving example) JAL Diamond Premier Lounge
[Background of Introduction of Green Planet Food Film Wrapping Material]
To pass on a bountiful planet to future generations, the JAL Group is striving to eliminate all new petroleum-derived plastic from disposable products used in its cabins and lounges by FY 2025. As part of this initiative, Green Planet onigiri packaging, which has been jointly developed by JALUX and Kaneka, will now be introduced in the JAL Haneda Airport Diamond Premier Lounge. This is the world’s first usage of Green Planet film for individual food packaging.
Japan Airport Delica Inc., the manufacturer of the onigiri served at the lounge, participated in the product development and after the careful verification of its safety and durability, the film was selected for individual onigiri wrapping usage.
The introduction of Green Planet at airports by JALUX and Kaneka is their second initiative*2 following the deployment of shopping bags at BLUE SKY stores and other locations. The two companies will continue to strengthen their collaboration and accelerate further on their responses to environmental issues. We will promote efforts to commercialize and introduce Green Planet at national airports and in the aviation field.

[About Green Planet]
Green Planet, developed by Kaneka, is a biomass polymer produced from vegetable oil by microorganisms that easily decomposes in soil and in seawater eventually returning to CO2 and water, thereby contributing to reducing environmental impact. Green Planet been certified as biodegradable in seawater by “OK Biodegradable MARINE” *3 and is attracting attention as a material that can provide innovative solutions because, in addition to biodegradability, it has the same functions as general-purpose plastics. It is expanding its applications in various fields, including food film packaging.
(*1) As a film using Green Planet as raw material produced by Kaneka. As of March 2023, according to Kaneka research.
(*2) Kaneka-JALUX joint news release dated March 10, 2022
Shopping Bags made from KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer Green Planet Simultaneous rollout in all 73 BLUE SKY stores in 25 airports nationwide
(*3) Biodegrades at least 90% in seawater (30℃) within 6 months. The "OK Biodegradable MARINE" certificate was issued to Green Planet(formerly called PHBHTM)in September 2017 by Vincotte, an international certifying body headquartered in Belgium. TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium NV took over the certification work from Vincotte in December 2017.
<General description of JALUX Inc.>
A trading company with strengths in the aviation and airport fields. In addition to operating
BLUE SKY at 25 airports nationwide, JAL Shopping, Japan Airlines’ online shop and JAL
Hometown Tax, it deals with a wide range of businesses including equipment related to the
Company Name: JALUX Inc.
Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo
CEO: Satoru Takahama
Business description: aviation/airports, life services, retail, food and beverages
<General description of KANEKA>
"KANEKA thinks Wellness First." Based on this, we will carve out a rich future by providing
solutions to the three crises the world is facing: environment/energy, food and health, from various
Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo
News Release
President: Minoru Tanaka
Business description: Vinyls and Chlor-Alkali, Performance Polymers (MOD), Performance
Polymers (MS), Foam & Residential Techs, E & I Technology, PV & Energy management,
Performance Fibers, Medical, Pharma & Supplemental Nutrition, Foods & Agris
Green Planet, developed by Kaneka, is a biomass polymer produced from vegetable oil by microorganisms that easily decomposes in soil and in seawater eventually returning to CO2 and water, thereby contributing to reducing environmental impact. Green Planet been certified as biodegradable in seawater by “OK Biodegradable MARINE” *3 and is attracting attention as a material that can provide innovative solutions because, in addition to biodegradability, it has the same functions as general-purpose plastics. It is expanding its applications in various fields, including food film packaging.
(*1) As a film using Green Planet as raw material produced by Kaneka. As of March 2023, according to Kaneka research.
(*2) Kaneka-JALUX joint news release dated March 10, 2022
Shopping Bags made from KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer Green Planet Simultaneous rollout in all 73 BLUE SKY stores in 25 airports nationwide
(*3) Biodegrades at least 90% in seawater (30℃) within 6 months. The "OK Biodegradable MARINE" certificate was issued to Green Planet(formerly called PHBHTM)in September 2017 by Vincotte, an international certifying body headquartered in Belgium. TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium NV took over the certification work from Vincotte in December 2017.
<General description of JALUX Inc.>
A trading company with strengths in the aviation and airport fields. In addition to operating
BLUE SKY at 25 airports nationwide, JAL Shopping, Japan Airlines’ online shop and JAL
Hometown Tax, it deals with a wide range of businesses including equipment related to the
Company Name: JALUX Inc.
Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo
CEO: Satoru Takahama
Business description: aviation/airports, life services, retail, food and beverages
<General description of KANEKA>
"KANEKA thinks Wellness First." Based on this, we will carve out a rich future by providing
solutions to the three crises the world is facing: environment/energy, food and health, from various
Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo
News Release
President: Minoru Tanaka
Business description: Vinyls and Chlor-Alkali, Performance Polymers (MOD), Performance
Polymers (MS), Foam & Residential Techs, E & I Technology, PV & Energy management,
Performance Fibers, Medical, Pharma & Supplemental Nutrition, Foods & Agris