Kaneka obtains for additional functional claims for "Watashi no Chikara™" active form of Coenzyme Q10 series products
- Kaneka Your Health Care launches new products -
Kaneka Corporation
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Minoru Tanaka) has announced that the active form of Coenzyme Q10 is "effective at relieving temporary fatigue." Recently, the functional claims have obtained that the active form of Coenzyme Q10 "improves the quality of sleep of people experiencing temporary stress," "helps reduce temporary stress," and assists with "maintaining the moisture of one's mouth." Then Kaneka Your Health Care Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Shoji Nagae) has launched the new products series called "Watashi no ChikaraTM" with those functional claims.
Mitochondria are the factories that create the energy that keeps us healthy and active every day, and occupy roughly 10% of a person's bodyweight. The active form of Coenzyme Q10 can be found in the mitochondria in all of our cells, and helps to create the energy we need for our daily activities. And they remove an active oxygen, antioxidant effect. Our cells owe their vigor to the work performed by mitochondria using the antioxidant properties of active form of Coenzyme Q10*1.
Kaneka Your Health Care has launched a new brand, "Watashi no ChikaraTM" to help customers keeping healthy and produce various kinds of “Energy”. Kaneka Your Health Care has updated its lineup of active form of Coenzyme Q10 products with the addition of these health claims. It has released two new food with functional claims*2 "Watashi no ChikaraTM ENERGYTM," which improves the quality of sleep of people experiencing temporary stress, helps reducing temporary stress, and helps reducing fatigue, and "Watashi no ChikaraTM MOISTWELLTM," for people who feels that their mouth has become drying by aging*3. Please see the "Product Details" below for information regarding Specific functions which is submitted health claims inform on “Product Details” as below.
Kaneka Your Health Care will continue to develop new "Watashi no ChikaraTM" supplement series with Kaneka's unique active form of Coenzyme Q10, and with a wide range of functions. The product lineup will progressively expand with other ingredients such as probiotics for a customer who can select for their health needs.
Based on our mission “Kaneka thinks Wellness First”, Kaneka will continue to provide a product and a solution to support improving person’s health and daily life.
*1 The statements that active form of Coenzyme Q10 "helps the mitochondria create the energy we need" and "is also an antioxidant" are not statements of the functions of the new products in the ""Watashi no ChikaraTM" series (submitted claims).
*2 Foods with functional claims are products which have been granted permission to make claims regarding functionality by the Consumer Affairs Agency. A company wishing to receive this permission is responsible for notifying the Consumer Affairs Agency and providing it with all required information, including scientific evidence regarding the safety and functionality of the food, prior to selling the product, in accordance with rules stipulated by the national government. In this notification, it is possible to provide materials (systematic reviews) indicating the scientific evidence for the functions, safety information, and the like.
*3 Kaneka Your Health Care WebShop (https://www.kaneka-yhc.co.jp/)