Trials begin of Seven Café straws made with Kaneka Biodegradable Polymer PHBH

Kaneka Corporation
August 6, 2019

Kaneka Corporation has collaborated with Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd. to develop products made from Kaneka Biodegradable Polymer PHBH (referred to below as PHBH). From August 6, Seven Café straws made from PHBH were deployed on a trial basis in 41 Seven-Eleven convenience stores within Kochi Prefecture, Japan (as of the end of July 2019).

While plastic products are very convenient and essential in our daily lives, they are often not disposed properly. There has been increasing concern that marine microplastics may affect our biological systems and human health. PHBH is a 100% plant-based biopolymer developed by Kaneka and has an excellent biodegradability under different environmental conditions. Particularly in recent years, marine pollution by microplastic has become a global social issue due to the rising concern of its negative impact on biological system. With “OK Biodegradable MARINE*” certification that guarantees biodegradability in seawater, PHBH would be able to contribute to the reduction of marine pollutions.

In order to pass a beautiful environment to our next generations, Kaneka will continuously contribute to the solution of environmental problems through development of innovative and sustainable materials.

  • Biodegrades at least 90% in seawater (30℃) within 6 months. The“OK Biodegradable MARINE”certificate was issued in September 2017 by Vincotte, an international certifying body headquartered in Belgium. TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium NV took over the certification work from Vincotte in December 2017






                                                       Seven Café straws made from PHBH