Warning about Phishing Scams Purporting to be from Kaneka or our Executive Officers

Kaneka Corporation
June 19, 2024
We have confirmed phishing websites purporting to be Kaneka Corporation’s and phishing e-mails impersonating executive officers from Kaneka Corporation. 
If you receive a suspicious e-mail or text message, please delete it immediately.
Please be aware that accessing phishing sites may lead to personal information theft and fraudulent activities (phishing scams).

【Example of phishing email】
My name is xxxxx Board Member of Kaneka Corporation. Our recruiters have provided us with your information as a possible candidate for the recent vacancy at Kaneka Corporation. Please find attached, detailed information about the role for your review and feedback.

【Confirmed phishing website URL】
(Updated on October 20, 2023)

【Confirmed phishing e-mail address】
(Updated on October 20, 2023)
(Updated on March 1, 2024)
(Updated on June 19, 2024)