Kaneka receives "Encouragement Award" in the Newspaper Division of the 63rd All-Hokkaido Advertising Association Awards

July 19, 2023
Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Minoru Tanaka) has announced that its series of four corporate advertisements, “Kaneka Thinks”, received the Encouragement Award in the newspaper category at the 63rd All-Hokkaido Advertising Association Awards. The presentation ceremony was held on July 10, 2023.

                                                                                       Presentation Ceremony

The All-Hokkaido Advertising Association Awards, started in 1961, are awards for works created and published in Hokkaido by advertisers with headquarters or offices in Hokkaido. This award was given for "expressing the sincere corporate culture and depth of the business more clearly in a series of five newspaper columns than in other entries of 15 columns.

The "Kaneka Thinks" series was created not only to enhance awareness in Hokkaido, but also to inform people what kind of company we are and what we are trying to achieve. As "The Dreamology Company ", we show how our technologies can make the world healthier, focusing on four key themes: the environment, health, the dairy industry, and food supply issues. Each advertisement features striking, impressive graphics, thought-provoking copy on each theme, and introductions to related products, creating a memorable design with a strong message. The work that received the award was published on the occasion of our sponsorship of the Hokkaido Marathon 2022. The environmental version with a sea turtle will continue to be actively promoted as one of our representative advertisements, including in the national edition of the newspapers as a 15-column advertisement.

With the mission, KANEKA thinks "Wellness First", Kaneka will continue to provide value as a solution provider, aiming to enhance the recognition and value of the Kaneka brand.

<Work that won the award>