New Year’s Greetings from the President (Summary)

Kaneka Corporation
January 4, 2023
First, I would like to wish everyone the very best as we begin the new year.
Looking back over the past year, various events have taken place both domestically and internationally. The social and economic impact of the corona infection has been greatly mitigated. Meanwhile, the global economy has been extremely unstable due to the turmoil in Ukraine, soaring and falling prices of energy and raw materials, economic slowdown caused by accelerated global inflation and interest rate hikes aimed at curbing it, in addition to sharp exchange rate fluctuations. At the end of the year, the Bank of Japan announced that it would review its 10-year-long large-scale monetary easing thus further increasing the uncertainty.

We must be well prepared and ready to fight against a prolonged global economic slowdown and recession. We will continue to accelerate our efforts to make the world healthier by mobilizing and connecting our various technologies and products. The power of “kizuna” (ties) is what counts to make use of steady day-to-day efforts, namely the frontline execution, in the event of an emergency. On the other hand, in the midst of dramatic changes, it is of utmost importance to open up the unknown, the new frontiers, boldly working on new assignments that are completely different from those of yesterday. The key to Kaneka's ability to achieve transformation and create new value lies in the development of talents with strong leadership.

This year, 2023, is the Year of the Water Rabbit in Chinese astrology, a year when past efforts will bear fruit and grow vigorously to take a leap forward. I feel that it is going to be a bright year with successes for Kaneka to grow further. Under the slogans of "hope" and "courage," I hereby resolve to overcome this difficult situation through the united power of our management and employees, and to open up a bright path for the future.

Kaneka's transformation will be realized by changes in the behavior of every one of you. Let us create Kaneka where all of us share the same vision of what Kaneka should be, and each of you take on challenges of a new era. Dear all members of the Kaneka Group around the world, let us take on the challenge of a new future for Kaneka and realize a Good Company full of energy and smiles.
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