R2B Strategies
R2B Intellectual Property Strategies
We steadily capture the output of our activities and secure intellectual property rights,
striving to acquire intellectual property such as results and know-how.
In addition, non-research employees also understand the importance of intellectual
property and use it in their work.
Basic Policy of Intellectual Property
In fiscal 2022, we were newly granted 305 Japanese patents and 243 overseas patents.
At the same time, we actively abandoned unused patents to manage our intellectual property expenses efficiently. At the end of fiscal 2022, the number of patents held was 3,354 Japanese patents and 3,379 overseas patents, roughly level with the previous fiscal year.
In 2019, we established an employee invention reward system for patent applications to incentivize R2B members to apply for patents. This has led to a rise in the number of patent applications filed, helping to expand our intellectual property portfolio.
Number of Japanese Patents Held

Number of Overseas Patents Held

Developing Human Resources for Intellectual Property
In promoting education on intellectual property, we create content tailored to each level, from new hires to leader roles. We are working to encourage the discovery of inventions by investing in training for researchers and engineers. The training aims to foster awareness of how results obtained through R2B+P activities can yield Intellectual Property rights that can then be used in business. We also provide sales employees with training on topics such as trademarks and copyrights, as well as expanding the range of programs aimed at using market information.
Overview of IP Education Program

Intellectual Property × DX: Upgrading Our Operations through DX
Using AI in Patent Searches
We have started using AI tools in patent searches. For example, in our pre-application technology survey in fiscal 2022, about 20% of the survey was carried out using AI tools. We have also introduced AI tools to the patent search work done by R2B members, which has reduced the labor hours required for the search. By combining the know-how of the Intellectual Property Department with AI tools, we maintain the quality of investigations and contribute to improving the efficiency of research and development.

Using Intellectual Property Information in Business Development
We are promoting information analysis and information utilization initiatives such as IP landscape™. In fiscal 2022, we strengthened our efforts by establishing a new group within the Intellectual Property Department that specializes in analyzing and using information. This group coordinates with each business division to develop strategies for a range of research and development and business issues. By understanding customer value and analyzing the competitive environment, we aim to improve our business competitiveness.
IP landscape™ is a registered trademark of Masayuki Shobayashi, patent attorney at Shobayashi International Patent & Trademark Office.
Using Patent Scores
We use patent analysis tools to review our patent portfolio, referencing the value of our patents. We conduct a portfolio review that focuses on the value of each patent, conducting an inventory check of the rights we hold. In determining whether we need to maintain the rights to registered patents, we tap into the insights of the Company’s technology and business leaders, assess the cost of maintenance, and check the objective patent score.