Toward Social Implementation of Solutions to “Make it Real”
In March 2021, we expressed our support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. In fiscal 2020, we conducted a structural analysis of the group activities centered on risks and opportunities in line with the recommendations of TCFD, and from the perspective of importance and urgency, we have decided that the following items should be addressed: ① Reduction of GHG emissions, ② Contributing to a recycling-oriented society, and ③ Increasing production of food resources. Our initiatives in line with the four TCFD recommendations: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets are as follows.
Recommended Disclosure |
Status of Initiatives |
1. Governance | At the “DX & Carbon Neutral Committee” in the Engine of Sustainability Management established on April 1, 2022, we will accelerate technology development toward the realization of carbon neutrality. For long-term themes, we will set up a “Production DX & Carbon Neutral Planning Team” at Engineering Research Laboratories, and for short-term themes, we will set up a “DX & Carbon Neutral Group” at Corporate Manufacturing Integrity Center. Both organizations will work together to study the technology. In addition, we will set up a “Production DX & Carbon Neutral Project Conference” to promote the implementation of carbon-neutral technology in the field. |
2. Strategy |
In fiscal 2020, we identified our risks and opportunities for climate change. ①Cutting emissions of GHG
②Contributing to a recycling-oriented society
③Increasing production of food resources
3. Risk Management | We will continue the climate change risk assessment, and for highly important projects, the “DX & Carbon Neutral Committee” will decide the action and policy. |
4. Metrics and Targets |
Our total GHG emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 in fiscal 2020 was 1,461 thousand tons-CO2 on a consolidated basis.