Human Resource Development

Development of human resources and leaders centered on Kaneka 1-on-1

Kaneka 1-on-1

We introduced Kaneka 1-on-1 in 2018 with the aim of using personal growth to drive the Company’s growth.
A pillar of our human resource development is the idea that “people grow through their work, while companies grow through their people.” Our personnel system, which evaluates goal setting and personal growth, is based on this concept.

Adding Further Depth

We are continuing efforts to enhance the quality of dialogue so that we can add further depth to Kaneka 1-on-1.

Examples of Specific Initiatives

Holding workshops for business division heads

By allowing business division heads to reaffirm the aims of Kaneka 1-on-1, these workshops help to anchor the system in the organization.

Ongoing 1-on-1 training for executives

We provide training for supervisors to enable them to improve their coaching skills and enhance the quality of their dialogues (a total of 594 people have undergone the training).

Various forms of 1-on-1 experiments tailored to different workplace situations

We are experimenting with 1-on-1s tailored to different workplace situations. For example, in addition to the usual 1-on-1s between supervisors and direct reports, department heads conduct 1-on-1s with all members who are not direct reports. Going forward, we will expand our success stories horizontally to other workplaces so that we can raise the quality of our 1-on-1 dialogues across the entire organization.

Developing the Next Generation of Leaders through Hitotsubu-no-Tane Momi Juku

Hitotsubu-no-Tane Momi Juku, our training program led by top management, aims to train the next generation of management leaders. The chairman, president, and executive vice president join all sessions, a total of 13 days (about 100 hours) over a period of 8 months, directly giving advice. We are working to increase the participation of women in executive positions and to develop candidates who could become female leaders. Since the program began, a total of 26 division heads have been chosen from among the participants.

Number of Participants in Hitotsubu-no-Tane Momi Juku

Fiscal year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Cumulative total since
start of course
Number of participants 12 12 12 12 12 109
Of which, female 0 0 3 3 3 10

Training Content Renewal and Change

Training for Newly Appointed Executives

We provide opportunities for new executives to learn about leadership and management, mainly in the first year following their promotion.

Examples of Specific Initiatives

Workshops on creating a rewarding workplace

Held to ensure that executives understand their roles and responsibilities and direct them toward creating a positive workplace culture.

Leadership Challenge Training

Aims to teach leadership fundamentals that can be put into practice to establish conduct.

Lecture for newly appointed executives by Independent member of the board Yuko Sasakawa

Independent member of the board Yuko Sasakawa gave a lecture on the perspective and mindset required of a leader.

Expanding Learning Opportunities

We have expanded our training curriculum with language training (English and Chinese) and e-learning so that we can meet the diverse learning needs of our employees.
We plan to ramp up our investment in areas such as digital education and global human resource development by 1.5 times over the next five years.

Results of Company-wide Training in Fiscal 2022