Global Strategies
Think Global, Act Local
Our global network enabling business development deeply rooted in local communities
We aim to become a company that delivers unique technologies and products all over the world, in order to save human lives and resolve social issues. To do so, we promote activities deeply rooted in local communities worldwide. We advance transculturation from a global perspective. There is no border in chemistry, and when we do business in foreign land, we focus on conducting local-based business (glocal business) by overcoming cultural differences. Our goal is to become a company with a global presence by offering valuable solutions to the world market in a timely manner.

We establish a headquarter in each region in order to make speedy business development that makes much closer connection with the local community.
Each of 4 “Solutions Units” draws up a global strategy for products and services it handles that incorporates both domestic and overseas subsidiaries, and develop business activities based on such strategy.
We have approximately 50 overseas subsidiaries, as well as 2 research institutes in 20 countries overseas. The consolidated number of employees is approximately 11,500, and among them, 3,000 are working in overseas sites.
Global Network Strategies
Globally, our regional headquarters take the lead in drawing up and executing growth strategies with scale and speed. Tapping into the strengths of our Group companies with their local characteristics enables us to create business models matched to market needs. Through this interlocking of our regional and local operations, we are accelerating the realignment and growth of our global business.
Function of Headquarters in Each Region
Within Europe, target environment and wellness as business opportunities, working to expand the biopharmaceutical business and develop environment-related products.

Kaneka Europe Holding N.V.
Strengthen local marketing system and map out a market-out type growth strategy that matches growing and expanding market trends.

Kaneka Asia Co., Ltd.
The Americas
Use M&A, alliances, etc., mainly in the healthcare and electronics fields, to develop large-scale business.

Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.
Group Companies with Distinctive Strengths
AB-Biotics, S.A.
AB-Biotics sells unique probiotic products that have effects such as reducing the risk of disease.
It is the center of our global probiotic business due to its robust research and development capabilities, which use original probiotic strains owned by the Company.

Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
This biopharmaceuticals CDMO has world-class pharmaceutical production technology. Kaneka Eurogentec provides drug discovery companies around the world with plasmid DNA and proteins as active pharmaceutical ingredients for biopharmaceuticals.
Kaneka Eurogentec, as the core of our biopharmaceuticals business, is leading the strengthening of differentiated technology and driving business expansion.