Stakeholder Communication
Basic Policy
Under its ESG Charter, which declares that ‘we fulfill our corporate responsibility by empowering individual employees to put our corporate philosophy into practice through serious, forward-looking effort,’ Kaneka Group, aspires as a good corporate citizen to a sustainable future in partnership with all its stakeholders. We will work to build relationships of trust with stakeholders through active information disclosure and communication with the aim of realizing this sustainable society.
Communication with Stakeholders

We provide quality products, services and value aimed at creating a sound society, ensure product safety, and disclose information to those who purchase our products as well as potential customers.
- Communication with customers through sales and marketing
- Information posting on websites and social media
- Exhibitions
- Quality assurance/customer support
Click here for information on our product responsibility initiatives.

Providing technology and product information and online store on our official website

Holding exhibitions
Our business is rooted in local communities, promoting social contributions and community engagement. We also contribute to creating a well (sound) community and society, ensuring safe operation of plants and disclosure of information.
- Interaction with local residents/participation in local events/dialogue
- Fostering youth development/hosting plant visits
- Supporting disaster reconstruction
- Participation in initiatives
Click here for information on our community and social initiatives.

Sponsoring the UN World Food Programme (WFP) School Lunch Support Program as a Partner Company

Holding a sweet potato dig with small children and toddlers from the neighborhood
Shareholders and Investors
We offer appropriate returns and disclose timely information to those who recognize our corporate stance and brand value and who own our shares, so that we can increase overall trust in the Group seeking to ensure a company culture and a society characterized by wellness.
- Opinion exchange with investors/analysts, holding of business and results briefings
- Timely and appropriate information disclosure on the corporate website
- General Meeting of Shareholders
Click here for IR information.

Issuing reports (To Our Shareholders) twice a year
Bearing in mind Kaneka Group employees and their family members, we offer a workplace environment of wellness — job satisfaction, appropriate treatment and remuneration, and safe working environments — and respect their diversity.
- Communication between employees
- Employee health consultations
- Labor-management dialogue
- Penetration of internal whistleblowing system
Click here for information on our HR initiatives.

Providing a workplace that supports employee health
We conduct fair transactions with suppliers and contractors focusing on compliance and build mutually beneficial and well (sound) relationships of trust with them, offering equal opportunities to do business.
- Regular questionnaire surveys and dialogue with vendors
- Cooperation, coprosperity and coexistence with vendors
- Quality improvement in logistics operations
- Appropriate information disclosure
- Internal whistleblowing system
Click here for information on our CSR procurement initiatives.

Providing an online store that connects household tables and bakeries nationwide by supporting the purchase and development of ingredients
The Environment
We make efforts to reduce environmental burden in raw material procurement, manufacturing and transportation processes. We also fulfill social responsibilities by developing cutting-edge materials and unique technologies to enhance the wellness of the global environment.
- Initiatives on global environment protection/resource conservation/environmental impact reduction
- Promotion of environmental impact reduction in raw material procurement
- Cleaning activities/local forest conservation/environmental conservation activities
- Appropriate information disclosure
Click here for information on our environmental initiatives.

Carrying out local clean-up activities
Shareholder Reporting
We issue reports to shareholders twice per year and also publish them on our website for anyone to read. For topics the reports cover developments of the preceding period using photos and a readable format, and interim reports carry the President & Representative Director’s explanation of the company’s management strategy, as well as special articles of interest to shareholders. We fully redesigned the report cover in 2010 and adopted a larger page format in 2013, all in an effort to improve the look.
We also print our publications using environmentally friendly vegetable ink and use easy‒to‒read Universal Design fonts.

Reports (for Shareholders)
Information Disclosure and Investor Relations
Kaneka prepares management strategy and plans based on its management philosophy, and in order to maintain the understanding and support of shareholders and other stakeholders, works to provide appropriate and timely information and enhance management transparency.
We conduct briefings after announcing annual and quarterly results, with the Representative Director or Director in charge providing explanations. We also hold business briefing sessions and business inspection tours, where the Representative Director and Director in charge provide explanations.
Our website also carries a variety of reports, including financial briefs, securities reports, quarterly reports, Kaneka integrated reports, and financial results briefing materials.
In this fiscal year, we will continue to build on our efforts in the previous fiscal year to ensure proper information disclosure to shareholders and investors.