Safety / Quality
Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health Initiatives

Safety is a top management priority for the Kaneka Group, and it is our social mission to improve safety. To ensure safe and secure operations, we believe it is important to create a workplace environment where employees can work in good physical and mental health.
While being committed to continuing to protect safety, we have established the Zero Accident Principles, based on which all employees, including members of top management, make a point of following the rules. We also conduct ESG safety and quality inspections to check the safety management status of plants on-site. We assess the evidence of the status and share items that need improvement between the Head Office and the relevant plant. Based on a one-year-term improvement plan, we implement the PDCA cycle throughout the year.
Severity rate and frequency rate are indicators for occupational accidents.
Occupational accidents in 2022 were caused by sudden unsafe actions and carelessness. The frequency rate across the Kaneka Group was 0.35, 0.12 points worse than the previous year. We will continue to improve the safety awareness of each employee and prevent occupational accidents by pursuing safety activities that adhere to the Zero Accident Principles, such as raising awareness of ways to make facilities safer and predict danger.
Accident Frequency Rate

Note:Accident Frequency Rate: An indicator that shows the frequency of occupational accidents that caused death and/or injury by indicating the number of casualties per total 1 million actual working hours.
Scope:Includes regular employees, contract employees, and temporary employees dispatched from other companies. Employees seconded to other companies and employees of partner companies are not included.
Accident Severity Rate

Note:Accident Severity Rate: An indicator that shows the level of severity of occupational accidents by indicating the number of lost work days per total 1,000 working hours.
Scope:Includes regular employees, contract employees, and temporary employees dispatched from other companies. Employees seconded to other companies and employees of partner companies are not included.
Accidents Resulting/Not Resulting in Lost Time

Note:The number of occupational accidents includes those among employees at Kaneka and partner companies working in the Kaneka Group.
Enhancing Our Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Our all parent manufacturing sites acquired Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) certification from the Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association (JISHA) in fiscal 2007, and have continued our efforts to enhance these systems.
OSHMS Certifications
Manufacturing Site | Location | Certification Date | Certification No. |
Takasago Manufacturing Site | Hyogo | March 10, 2008 | 08-28-13 |
Osaka Manufacturing Site | Osaka | August 21, 2007 | 07-27-10 |
Shiga Manufacturing Site | Shiga | January 15, 2008 | 08-25-6 |
Kashima Manufacturing Site | Ibaraki | December 13, 2010 | 10-8-26 |
Prevention of Machine Accidents
To prevent machine accidents such as being caught in machinery and to raise the level of equipment safety assessment, we are fostering experts based on guidelines for comprehensive safety standards for machinery. As of fiscal 2022, we had registered a total of 72 comprehensive machine safety assessors certified as safety sub-assessors (*) under our internal certification system.
*Safety sub-assessor: A certification for machine designers with the basic knowledge and ability needed to confirm safety validity.
Feeling Danger Physically: Experiential Learning
Kaneka Group is pursuing hands-on learning to enhance sensitivity to risks. In addition to conventional hands-on safety experience equipment, we newly introduced virtual reality-based learning equipment that allows participants to experience 16 simulation scenarios, including crashes, electric shocks, and explosions. All of the equipment is portable, allowing us to offer opportunities for hands-on learning to numerous employees and work to increase safety awareness.

Real learning experience of being caught
in machinery

Virtual reality-based experiential learning
Safety Awards
The Japan Chemical Industry Association presents the JCIA Safety Award recognizing business sites that conduct exemplary safety activities. Kaneka Group also presents the President’s Safety Award to all business sites that have achieved no accidents (no process accidents) and no disasters (no accidents resulting / not resulting in lost time) based on internal standards.
Going forward, we will continue raising safety awareness toward our goal of zero accidents.
Certification as a Safety-conscious Company by the Japan Chemical Industry Association
Group Company | Certification for Zero Accident and Disaster Period |
Kaneka Medix Corporation Kanagawa Office | January 1, 2011 —(11 years) |
President’s Safety Award for No Accidents and No Disasters based on the Internal Standards (Fiscal 2022)
Group Company | Award for Zero Accident and Disaster Period |
Kaneka (Foshan) High Performance Materials Co., Ltd. | July 23, 2017 — |
Kochi Styrol Co., Ltd. | November 2, 2016 — |
In 2022, 17 occupational accidents occurred. To achieve zero accidents, we will work to promulgate basic safety actions to all employees, improve production line management, and strengthen the risk assessment foundation.