Social Contributions
Local Communities (Efforts of the Kaneka Group)
Connecting with local communities
<Kaneka, all parent manufacturing sites, Group companies in Japan and overseas>
- Supporting local festivals, fireworks festivals, and various events through donations and sponsorship of advertising. Also offering products and beverages.
- Participating in and cooperating with local fire drills and activities.
- Donating to local communities.

Participating in high-pressure gas disaster prevention drills
(Tokyo Kaneka Foods Manufacturing Corporation)

Participating in events and offering products
(Kaneka Hokkaido Co., Ltd.)

Participate in events
(Kaneka (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.)

Participating in the Ghana YOSAKOI Festival
(Kaneka Africa Liaison Office)
- Sponsoring the Japan Century Symphony Orchestra as a corporate supporter.
In addition to regular concerts, the orchestra focuses on community-based activities, such as educational programs to encourage children to become more familiar with music, and outreach concerts at hospitals and special needs schools.

Touch the Orchestra

Playing a handmade trumpet
<Kaneka Singapore Co. (Pte) Ltd.>
- Visiting facilities for the elderly and engaging with them through conversation and games, as well as donating daily necessities.

<Kaneka Belgium N.V.>
- Supporting local symphony orchestras and musicians.
<Tochigi Kaneka Corporation>
- Holding talk sessions with local schools that we support.
- Holding talk sessions with local companies on the topic of employment for people with disabilities.

<PT. Kaneka Foods Indonesia>
- Donating products to community facilities such as nursing homes and children’s shelters
Environmental activities
<All parent manufacturing sites, Group companies in Japan and overseas>
- Regularly conducting cleaning and beautification activities around our plants.
- Participating in and donating to environmental protection activities.

Osaka Manufacturing Site

Kaneka Sun Spice Corporation

Kaneka Hokkaido Styrol Co., Ltd.

Kaneka Solartech Corporation
<Kaneka, Taiyo Yushi Corporation>
As a company using palm oil, gained full membership in the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), a global non-profit organization that aims to promote sustainable palm oil production and use, focusing on the environment and human rights.
Taiyo Yushi Corporation participated as a board company in the Japan Sustainable Palm Oil Network (JaSPON), founded to accelerate the procurement and consumption of sustainable palm oil in the Japanese market.
International Contributions
As corporate partner, have continued to support the school meal program of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) since 2013. In Africa, the largest market for Kanekalon synthetic performance fibers, supported school meals, aimed at increasing school registration rates and academic success, and distributed take-home meals aimed at encouraging school attendance in areas where girls’ attendance rate is low.
Sponsored WFP Charity Essay Contest 2022 hosted by the United Nations WFP. Kaneka and Kaneka Sun Spice Corporation co-sponsored WFP Walk the World in Osaka 2022.
Participating in TABLE FOR TWO Activities at the Company Cafeteria
Kaneka has been participating in TABLE FOR TWO (TFT) activities since 2010.
TFT is a social contribution activity aimed at addressing food imbalance, whereby developing countries suffer from hunger and malnutrition, while developed countries have problems with obesity and lifestyle diseases.
The employee cafeteria offers a menu with reduced calories to prevent obesity and lifestyle diseases. For every one of these meals that is bought at a company cafeteria, 20 yen is donated through TFT toward school meals for children in developing countries.
We donated the equivalent of 7,697 meals (153,940 yen) across all parent manufacturing sites in 2022 and 1,228 meals (24,560 yen) at Tochigi Kaneka in fiscal 2022.
The program also started at the Kashima Manufacturing Site from December 2022. We will continue activities to share meals and deliver hearty school lunches at employee cafeterias.

The amount of 20 yen is equivalent to one school lunch serving in the supported regions.

Awards & recognition
<Takasago Manufacturing Site>
- Received an award from Takasago City for donations to Takasago City.
<Kashima Manufacturing Site>
- Recognized as a “Sports Yell Company” for proactive efforts to promote sports including as a way of supporting employee health.
<Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.>
- Received the Safety Award for outstanding achievements in safety including process safety.

<Osaka Synthetic Chemical Laboratories, Inc.>
- Ako Shimizu Plant was recognized as an Excellent Workplace for its efforts on health and safety.

<Kaneka Eperan (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.>
- There were no illegal acts or violations of labor guarantees to employees, and as a result of strict implementation, received AAAA grade certification from the Suzhou Industrial Park Labor Guarantee Credit Rating Organization.

<Kaneka Hoken Center Co., Ltd.>
- Recognized as one of the 2023 Excellent Health Management Corporations (small and medium size corporation category).
<Kaneka (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.>
- Received the Silver Award for the environment, protection regulations, process safety, etc. at the CICM Responsible Care Awards.

<Tokyo Kaneka Foods Manufacturing Corporation>
- Received an accident-free record certificate from the Tokorozawa District Labor Standards Association in recognition of efforts to prevent industrial disasters, having achieved a continuous period of 1.66 million hours (from May 24, 2018 to October 15, 2022) with no accidents.
- Employees underwent training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to use an AED, etc., and were awarded certificates of completion.
- Three employees were recognized as Excellent Workers for their efforts on health and safety.
- Continue to receive Silver Certification as an excellent health enterprise certification from the Tokyo Federation of Health Insurance Associations.

Certification for taking CPR and other courses